السبت، 4 أغسطس 2012


Divided materials into conductive materials with a resistance less than the quality of ρ a certain extent and insulating material resistant quality of ρ higher than a certain value, and between them a region where ρ which do not fit conductivity and insulation, so called semiconductors. Do not use the term "semiconductors" because half the number of value and has a half connector will connect the copper conductor as well.
What is the most appropriate definition then?
If we take the former division of the atomic structure, where we will determine a good definition for semiconductors. The following very important to understand the different kinds of semiconductors because many confuse the type C or N, and being a negative or neutral, and likewise in the p-type or P.

Materials composed of molecules containing atoms. Each atom is composed of a nucleus by a number of positive protons and neutrons are neutral, the number of protons determines the element and its properties as there is no two elements have the same number.
Represents the number of protons a positive charge, and must for this shipment to be equally Vtgzb the negative electrons revolve around the nucleus in the tracks and each track has a specific number of electrons does not change with the exception of the final orbit farthest from the nucleus.
This final orbit can accommodate eight electrons only, but the number of protons may not attract enough to complete this final orbit, this situation creates instability of the noted, you want to complete the orbit the outside to contain eight electrons do not want to increase the negative charge on the positive charge, did not God create electrons neutral! ! So what's the solution?

Solution that the atoms are linked together, how?!! Well, to look for the installation
Wants to orbit the last eight electrons for this magical figure is half, or 4
?What is this magic number

Atom linked with four surrounding atoms together so that every electron of this atom is associated with an electron from a neighboring atom Vkonhma orbiting in the orbit of the atom together and that each atom together Vtkon atoms as if the outer orbit complete with eight electrons.

We note here two types of link
Chemical link a parity quartet and completed to achieve 8 electrons in the outer orbit.
Electrical connection and achieve that the number of electrons equal to the number of protons and there is excess shipments.
Result of the close link between the electrons and the nucleus, we do not find many free electrons that cause a flow of current.
Examples of pure carbon and pure germanium and pure silicon Silicon.

?So what do we do to increase the conductivity
The solution is simply to add a bit of a bug, do not mean inferior materials, but we mean the other elements.
Ah, then these elements are reached by the current in the semiconducting material!!
So why this suffering and we have the best metals like copper, all of them.

The idea that we are not trying to connect, but we seek to create an imbalance in the training prepares us to seize it in this big world - a world of semiconductors.

If we put a little bit of pentavalent element - this means that the orbit of the five outer electrons. So four of them will be involved with the silicon atoms as has been and remains the fifth without a link.

Note here imbalance incident, this electron can not stay because you do not link him with the neighboring      !!atom. Well for the proceeding of the state of him

!Where a restricted proceeding proton in the corresponding positive Dhirth
Position a little weird, but with great interest. This electron movement is free but you must come to be equally replacement shipments atoms and thus we have the possibility of transferring the power of these free electrons and for this article called "negative" and that was not a negative voltage or charge transfer, but what is the current negative electrons.

Remember this very well that the electrically neutral material but it has many free electrons are subject to movement. This means that the mediator for the transfer of power is negatively charged electrons.

Now what if we trivalent material? Remember that the trivalent concerned with the outer orbit contains three atoms.
The same case except that we have now three electrons only, and this will create a strange situation as well.
Associated with the three electrons in three neighboring atoms and the fourth will not find an electron to achieve a valence bond. But the electric equalizer investigator.

This will create a shortage or gap or place can be any electron transient fall in which to achieve their link equity, but, when this happens be destroyed tie electrophoresis and become negative charges than positive, this can be for this electron to voice, moving to an atom neighboring the gap as well, which seems as if I moved the gap in the anti, and emphasize what seems to go because of the electron is actually a particle with a mass which can be found in the case of separate and move in a vacuum but there is no body of his name and there is no gap in the vacuum and there is no outside of this atomic configuration.
To facilitate dialogue, scholars viewed the gap is positive because it will attract negative electron and the electron is moving the opposite taking into account that the exact detail is understood and called the article a positive P m on the grounds that the gaps are the carrier stream metaphor.
The issue is like when we sell a property is in debt by saying the debt is transferred from X to Y while in truth what is the money moved from AM to Q.

Conclude from the above the fact that always move in the current Article X or N is faster than moving in Article M or P and the reason that the transfer of an electron directly from the atom to another, will always move faster than the gap and drawing the other hand explains why.

Can you find the motion of the electron or the way the Supreme faster transmission of the gap and then move to the next gap and then the new Next Valtaly!!

?Now what happens if and docked two links m and Q or P, N together

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